יום ראשון, 1 בדצמבר 2013

Next steps: Enviorments and some upgrades

Next on the list is the refining of some currunt elements and the adding of the rest.
Here is a clean orthography of our musician, with the addition of some enviorments, some additions to the machines, color script and even the somewhat boring props.
Better yet- Well add the previous version so that youll see how we took everything to the next level.

As of now, we are doing several things simultaniously: Adding and refining some art- Creating a videoboard  (in corrospondence with our excelent musician-G'dee Yaar) and blocking in a rough model for everything so well move efficiently thorugh the initial 3D process. 

Previous and currunt musician orthography:

An addition for the machine

 Previous and currunt machine interior sheet

 Previous and currunt Stage  sheet

Currunt color script


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